December Weather in Gran Canaria

Sunbeams just before sunset

Daytime Maximums

Gran Canaria Airport sees a median daily maximum temperature of 22.2°C in December. However, the south coast resorts (Maspalomas, Puerto de Mogan etc.) are usually a degree or so warmer, and typically see maximums of between about 23 and 27°C at this time of year.

Temperatures at Night

Nightly lows around the coast generally range between 13 and 18°C in December, with an average low at the Airport of 16.2°C. Nighttime temperatures in the city of Las Palmas are generally about a degree higher due to cloud cover and the urban heat island effect. On the south coast, the evenings are cool enough that a jacket or cardigan is advisable on many evenings. The coldest temperature ever recorded in December at Gran Canaria Airport was 9.7°C back in 1958.


In terms of total precipitation, December is the rainiest month of the year in Gran Canaria, with an average of 31.3mm over the month. As usual, the north and north-facing mountains receive the most rain, though even the south coast resorts may see a few rainy days during December.

Cloudy or Sunny?

As the trade winds are less dominant at this time of year, the difference between the cloudy north and sunny south is less pronounced. The airport, located on the east coast, gets an average of 3.2 overcast days during December, and 23.9 days with some cloud in the sky. In truth, it can be a little hard to predict how cloudy it will be in December, though the south is less cloudy than the north or east coasts in most years.


Gran Canaria Airport sees a median wind speed of 17kmph in December, making it the least windy month of the year on the island. Unlike the summer months when the prevailing north-easterly trade winds are dominant, the south coast may actually be less sheltered from the wind in December. However wind is not generally a big consideration in the south of Gran Canaria.

Sea Temperature

December normally records sea temperatures of between 20 and 21°C. The sea still holds some of its summer heat at this time of year in the Canaries, and the water is actually warmer in December than it is in May. For many, this temperature is just fine for a quick swim on a sunny day, though you might want a wetsuit if you plan on snorkelling or surfing.

Further Reading

An overview of the weather and climate of Gran Canaria

Weather forecast for the beaches in Gran Canaria from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency

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