June Weather in Gran Canaria

Daytime Maximum Temperatures

The average daytime maximum temperature at Gran Canaria Airport in June is 25.3°C, though it is usually a little bit warmer in the main south coast resorts (Maspalomas, Puerto Rico etc.). At Puerto de Mogan, you can expect daytime temperatures of between 24 and 30 degrees. The hottest temperature on record for Puerto de Mogan in June is 37.4°C – recorded on the 27th of the month in 2012.

Ayacata Gran Canaria
Ayacata, Gran Canaria

Nighttime Temperatures

At night, temperatures drop to about 19 or 20°C around the coast – making it very comfortable for outdoor dining or socialising. Inland at altitude, temperatures drop a few degrees more, so you will still want a jacket or fleece if staying in the mountains. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Maspalomas in June is 16.1°C (02/06/2018), so you are probably safe to leave your jacket at home!


Rain is a freakish event in the main south coast resorts such as Maspalomas in June, though there will likely be a few days with some rain in the city of Las Palmas and the north. The Airport (East Coast) sees an average 0.4 days with some rain during the month of June. Even the very wettest part of the island (the northern slopes) sees less than 20mm during the entire month.


As usual, the northern part of the island is much cloudier than the south. Las Palmas is usually cloudy or overcast on most days in June, while the south is mostly clear with blazing sunshine.

Sea Temperature

The sea begins to warm up around Gran Canaria in June, with an average temperature of 21°C. This still isn’t exactly warm, and many people are surprised to learn that the water around the island is warmer in November than it is in June.

Further Reading

An overview of the weather and climate of Gran Canaria

Weather forecast for the beaches in Gran Canaria from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency

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