September Weather in Gran Canaria

Daytime High Temperatures

September is the second hottest month of the year in Gran Canaria (after August). Daytime high temperatures along the southern coast typically range between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius. The average daily maximum at Gran Canaria Airport is 27.2°C – though maximum temperatures on the south coast may be slightly warmer, or about a degree cooler in the city of Las Palmas.

The record high temperature for September is 39°C, recorded on the 12th of the month in 1987.

Puerto de Mogan, Gran Canaria
Puerto de Mogan, Gran Canaria

Nighttime Low Temperatures

At night, temperatures usually drop to between 19 and 23°C. The median low at the airport is 21.5°C in September, with similar nighttime temperatures around the coast. Urban areas such as the city of Las Palmas tend to be a little warmer at night due to the urban heat island effect. While these temperatures are perfect for al fresco dining or enjoying a cocktail on a terrace, they can be a little uncomfortable in a hotel room without air-conditioning.

Cloud Cover

As usual, there is a marked difference in the amount of cloud cover between the north and south of the island. In the city of Las Palmas (north of the island), it is usually overcast or with at least some cloud in the sky on most days during the month. In the south at places such as Maspalomas or Puerto rico, most days are completely clear without a single cloud in the sky. In terms of completely overcast days, the airport sees an average of two overcast days during September.


After the summer drought, September may see the first rains of the autumn – though the south of the island often sees a completely bone-dry month. On average, the airport gets between one and two days with appreciable rain (more than 0.1mm), with an average total precipitation of 9.1mm for the entire month. Las Palmas and the north of the island will usually see quite a bit more rain than that though.

Rain in September is very hard to predict: it can be very dry, there could be a few light showers, or there could be torrential rain as occurred in 2022 when more rain fell in a single day, than in the rest of the year combined. If there is rain in the South, it is very unlikely to last for more than a day or two before the normal sunny weather returns.


The strong and constant summer trade winds begin to weaken as September progresses, with the Airport seeing a median wind speed of 28.5kmph. On the sheltered south and south-west coasts, wind is not a consideration with average wind speeds less than half of those recorded at the airport.

Sea Temperature

The sea is at its warmest around the Canary Islands in the second half of September, with a median temperature of around 23°C. The water is usually a little warmer still by the afternoon in sheltered shallow waters around the beaches in the south of the island.

Further Reading

An overview of the weather and climate of Gran Canaria

Weather forecast for the beaches in Gran Canaria from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency

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