Currency Exchange in Gran Canaria
Is it better to exchange cash at home or in Gran Canaria? The days when a better exchange rate could be found at the destination resort in Gran Canaria are over, and you will likely get a better rate at … Continued
Frequently asked questions about Gran Canaria
Is it better to exchange cash at home or in Gran Canaria? The days when a better exchange rate could be found at the destination resort in Gran Canaria are over, and you will likely get a better rate at … Continued
How expensive is Gran Canaria? Prices for most items that affect the visiting tourist are typically lower in Gran Canaria than in the UK or Ireland, and this is especially true for alcohol, making nighttime entertainment particularly affordable. The Southern … Continued
Gran Canaria uses Western European Time (WET), which is the same timezone as the UK and Ireland, along with Portugal (apart from the Azores), the Faroe Islands and Iceland. All of these (apart from Iceland) use daylight savings time in … Continued